Monday, April 9, 2012

Cherokee trip!

One of my most favorite places we went to was the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Not only did they have super awesome mugs (which I just *had* to take one home with me of course...) but I felt like I actually learned a few things that will stay with me for a while.

The first being, that I had no idea what a real traditional Cherokee outfit for men and women looked like, and I found that they are beautiful! I thought it was such an unusual juxtaposition with the outfits of not only the tourists outside, but the locals as well. I wonder why their beautiful outfits were mostly confined to the museums and those already in the know about them?
I also really enjoyed learning that the title "Mankiller" is one of the highest honors a woman could receive in this traditionally matriarchal society. I really would like to have that title...
 The second most memorable part of the trip was just the beauty of the land around us. I really felt like our respectful walk around Keetoowah cemented some of the harder to imagine parts of the literature. I think as I read American Indian literature in the future I'll have a better mental image of just how important a space can be for a people. I also thought that it was fascinating that one of their better methods of preserving the space was downplaying its importance to outsiders. The modest sign on the side of the road was something I would have never noticed had I not realized it was there in the first place.

Lastly, how can I leave out the infamous Indian Taco.
Never have I become so full so fast. Even if we had just gone to the Spokane Diner alone, I think the trip would have been worth our while! Mmmm....

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